Tuesday, July 18, 2006

FixIt Before I Die

I work on the fourth floor. The office is usually pretty chilly, cold enough that the last secretary brought in a space heater to keep under the credenza. The financial director, director of advancement, director of corporate relations, and dean stay warm enough on normal days with suits, ties, and long sleeved collared shirts. This is just not a normal day. Maybe I'm just not familiar with how things are fixed in buildings like this, but to me it seems to take way to long. The main elevator was out for so long that I stopped even checking and just went straight to the one on the west end. Supposedly the fixit men were ordering parts from DC. Is DC the only place to make elevator parts? If so, that's weird, and if so, it still shouldn't have taken 3 months for them to come in. Now those fixit men are working on our air conditioning. I thought it was working splendidly. Maybe a little too well, even. But that is not a reason to turn it off completely for a week. Especially this week. A 90 degree day just doesn't say Let's-change-the-air-conditioning to me. Please, fixit men, get out of the ceiling so I can have my office and my space heater back.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

anyone else up for a recess?

Recently discovered: I don't get a break. None of us do. We rest when we die. And although I'm sure every ounce of the work we accomplish while we live will be all worth it once we reach our destination *or mine at least- heaven*, it's getting harder and harder to be persistant and keep in mind the ultimate goal- please Christ and glorify God. I will never attain all the goals I have set; there's no way I will ever be perfect at what I do. O man, I don't even have a plan right now of what I want to do. But whatever I choose to do, even the stuff right now, the work will never get easier- although I might get better. Life is an uphill climb and always should stay that way. Not only is it constantly uphill, I trust it will be consistantly steeper, with every problem that I choose to defeat becoming harder and harder.
Hopelessness is not an option, though.
Because as life gets more difficult and we struggle more to grasp on to true reality and improving the relationship with our Heavenly Father, He combines His omnipotence with our pathetic human powers to create a beautiful ....I looked up "mutualism" because I thought that was the word I was looking for, but the definition is: two organisms helping each other. I'm not really sure if I would call God an "organism," and seeing as He's omnipotent, us helping Him is just ludicrous. Maybe the term "commensalism" is better- one species helped, the other unaffected.
Alright, here's where I'm done writing. that's all i got for now.

sweet dreams