Thursday, August 17, 2006


i do not like red white and blue clown dolls, girls in suspenders, red ribbon, tricky parking garage men, black trees with no leaves, or clicky ball point pens. or nightmares.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy. I'll never understand why you hang around, cause I see what's going down. You cover up with make up in the mirror and tell yourself it's never gonna happen again. You cry alone, and then he swears he loves you.

d o y o u f e e l l i k e a m a n
w h e n y o u p u s h h e r a r o u n d ?
d o y o u f e e l b e t t e r n o w
a s s h e f a l l s t o t h e g r o u n d ?
w e l l i ' l l t e l l y o u m y f r i e n d ,
o n e d a y t h i s w o r l d ' s g o i n g t o e n d
a s y o u r l i e s c r u m b l e d o w n , a n e w l i f e s h e h a s f o u n d

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect. Every action in this world will bear a consequence. If you wade around forever you will surely drown.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

all for One

sometimes things happen that you know you need to change, and sometimes not just a simple change, but a really hard one that you know is gonna take way more effort than you wanna put into it and way more time than you wanna spend working on it. i've got one of those changes comin up, and not really anybody knows about it, and i'm pretty dang hesitant to share it. i think the only one that's gonna notice all my hard work is God, and hey i really hope He appreciates it, because it's all for Him. sometimes i'm not even sure it's worth the effort. anybody know a verse on this, cause i'm sure there is one! *i'll check that out too*
peace out

Monday, August 07, 2006

for once afraid

I had another one last night. every once in a while i have crazy nightmares. I wish They were mixed with dreams. Like a good one, a bad one, a good one a bad one. it's always hard to distinguish Them from true life. It's bizarre, but sometimes I can't forget It until I fall back asleep 18 hours later. When i grab one and put it face to face with what's actual reality, it always seems to fade into oblivion
lol the truth shall setcha free ;)