The Importance of Conjugations
The other morning I was more psyched than usual for Spanish 201. I had done my homework, studied for the quiz, read the assignment, and was on time. Anyone who knows me: you know I'm typically not even close to that responsible, so I was proud of myself! When Profesor *not really a professor, just a TA* Guillermo said something like "quiren leer," I thought he was asking who had read the section. Like I said, I was pretty proud that I had actually been responsible, so I raised my hand faster than anyone in the class. Guillermo said "ooooh, gracias, Angela!" and there was a short awkward pause before I correctly interpreted his question.... he was asking me to read for the class. I really didn't mind reading or anything, it's not like I was embarrassed. I thought it was funny that I was all proud that I HAD read it, but he was just asking me to read it NOW. Perfect example of The Importance of Conjugations.
NEWS on my college education: hesitant plan for now-> CODO into Retail Management to get out of the undecided category, take the prerequisite classes necessary to apply for Selling and Sales Management (they ONLY accept applications February 1st). It's a pretty solid major, and can be used for a lot of different careers. I might minor in Spanish, because that would be pretty sweet to be bilingual, and it's r e a l l y valuable in the business world.
back to homework, I've got a math exam next monday and it's gonna kick my butt if i don't study like a maniac
NEWS on my college education: hesitant plan for now-> CODO into Retail Management to get out of the undecided category, take the prerequisite classes necessary to apply for Selling and Sales Management (they ONLY accept applications February 1st). It's a pretty solid major, and can be used for a lot of different careers. I might minor in Spanish, because that would be pretty sweet to be bilingual, and it's r e a l l y valuable in the business world.
back to homework, I've got a math exam next monday and it's gonna kick my butt if i don't study like a maniac